The smarter way to train.

Within our custom Video Analysis package, we watch your soccer game film and focus our attention solely on you, the individual player.

We look at your movement, your positioning with & without the ball, we look at your decision-making, and the execution of your passing, shooting, dribbling and tackling.

After breaking down and highlighting the areas mentioned above, we will then schedule a zoom meeting to discuss our observations and create a custom plan and roadmap as to how you can improve your performance to reach your next level of play.

Soccer Game Film Analysis
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  • Contact & Book Your Analysis

    Choose your package and complete payment. Once all material is received, your custom game film analysis and feedback will be returned within 7 business days.

  • Complete Your Player Profile

    Once your package is booked, you’ll complete a player profile to provide us with both your background info and goals as a player. We’ll use this alongside your game film to provide the most comprehensive feedback.

  • Film Your Latest Game and/or Submit Game Footage

    You’ll submit your latest game film via our uploading platform and we’ll get to work. Don’t worry - we’ll provide a helpful guide and resources to ensure your footage is optimized for analysis. No need to be a video pro!

  • Vista Analyzes and Creates Custom Feedback and Player Plan of Action

    We’ll review the submitted footage and construct your customized game report with key play by play breakdowns, overall trends, mishaps, room for improvement, and your detailed plan of action.

  • Review Analysis and Plan of Action Together via Zoom

    We’ll set up a 30-minute Zoom session to discuss your game report in depth. Use this time to ask specific questions or discuss trouble areas and goals. It’s recommended to set up an individual training session to then work on your plan of action.

  • Implement Your Custom Strategies into Next Game

    The entire goal of your analysis is to have you walk away with a better understanding of the game, your specific strengths, and the areas you can improve on. These takeaways should be implemented into training as you raise your game to the next level.